Saturday, July 16, 2011

Now You See It - Now You Don't

Some people believe that #UFOs are #interdimensional #travelers. I think the reason for this is frequently people will see UFOs appear to blink out in one location in the sky and then blink back on in another location in the sky. I believe that UFOs are not interdimensional travelers but are simply obeying the laws of physics which we already have but perhaps have not applied correctly to the many sightings. Consider that they are actually #cloaking themselves so just before they moved to a different location they cloak themselves so you do not see them. They then moved to another location and uncloak themselves. So, you might ask, how do they cloak themselves?

Dr. Thomas #Erber from the University of Chicago published a paper in the #British #Journal of #Nature in 1962. In this paper he published the results of the study he had done on the effects of a magnetic field on the velocity of light. From this study he produced an empirical equation that related the #index of #refraction to the strength of the magnetic field. Index of refraction you may recall is the ratio of the speed of light in a #vacuum compared to the speed of light as it passes through some substances such as glass. A plot made from his equation shows that with extremely high magnetic field strengths, relatively high index of refraction can be achieved. With today's technology our strongest magnets can barely change the index of refraction. However if we could produce magnetic fields that are perhaps one or two orders of magnitude more powerful, then we could create an effect similar to what one sees driving down a hot road in the summertime where there is a significant distortion near the pavement. So I believe that the UFOs have this capability of producing a #strong #magnetic #field and by doing so they can actually bend the light from behind them so that the observer in front of them does not see them. In essence they are cloaked.

There is evidence for this in that strong magnetic fields are reported when UFOs are present. According to Dr. Erber studies, the effect on index of refraction is not only a function of the magnetic field strength but also the wavelength of the light being passing through. As it turns out if one were to graph the effects on two different wavelengths, one #infrared and the other yellow (visible light), one would see that it takes significantly stronger magnetic fields to distort the infrared light than it does to distort yellow light.

Many of you may recall the groundbreaking video released by the #Mexican #Air #Force in March of 2004. In that video it showed a formation of UFOs that were filmed using the infrared cameras that were aboard the aircraft. The actual mission of these planes was to track drug smugglers by using infrared cameras to track the heat signature of their engines. Initially the crew of the aircraft was not aware that they were filming UFOs. When they discovered that they were recording this formation, they looked in the direction where the formation should have been but they saw nothing. I believe the reason for this was the UFOs were cloaked in visual the wavelengths but remained uncloaked in the infrared wavelengths. Keep checking for more blogs.

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